The ERS is a battery-powered sensor with built-in motion detector as well as integrated antenna for measuring the indoor climate (temperature, humidity, brightness, etc.).
The perfect sensor for: motion detection and room climate measurement.
Where there's an actuator, there's a sensor.
And where there is sensor, there you might need a low power/wide area-network (in our case LoRa). Because thanks to its modern wireless technology, LoRa can transmit smaller amounts of data over longer ranges, and this in a very efficent, power-saving manner. Speaking about savings: In order to be independent of external third-party providers and their pricing policies, HOOC has directly built its own LoRa network. So that the customer will benefit at all levels.
Résumé: A modern radio transmission with a deep in-door coverage that reaches into basements, electrical rooms and (almost) to the moon and back.
The ERS is a battery-powered sensor with built-in motion detector as well as integrated antenna for measuring the indoor climate (temperature, humidity, brightness, etc.).
The perfect sensor for: motion detection and room climate measurement.
The ERS-CO2 has the same functionalities as a standard ERS sensor, but with an additional integrated CO2 measurement.
The perfect sensor for: motion detection, room climate and CO2 measurement.
The EMS is an approx. 50 mm small battery-operated sensor which, in addition to measuring the indoor climate, can detect water leaks and can also be used for door or window monitoring.
The perfect sensor for: room climate measurement, door and window monitoring as well as water leak detection.
The ELT2-HP-ST is housed in an IP67 enclosure and is specifically designed for outdoor use. It has an integrated temperature and humidity sensor as well as a connector for an additional temperature sensor and a digital input.
The perfect sensor for: temperature monitoring, measurement in outdoor installations, dry contact as well as detection of water leaks (with add-on).
The LW06-KIO has four galvanically isolated 24 VAC inputs, one galvanically isolated 230 VAC input and two relay switch outputs.
Actuator with: 24 VAC inputs (4) + 230 VAC input (1) + relay switch outputs (2).
The LW13-MIO has sixteen galvanically isolated 24 VAC inputs and eight relay switch outputs.
Actuator with: 24 VAC inputs (16) + relay switch outputs (8).
The LW13-IO has a galvanically isolated 230 VAC input and a relay switch output.
Actuator with: 230 VAC input (1) + relay switch output (1).
The LW12 has a galvanically isolated 230 VAC input and a relay switch output. The device also includes a sensor that can measure the power consumption of a 230 VAC consumer (up to 16 A).
The perfect sensor for: energy consumption measurement.
Actuator with: 230 VAC input (1) + relay changer output (1).
You want to know more about our HOOC-LoRa technology?
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