
How can I exchange data between sites thanks to the MQTT Client functionality?


Today, end devices (MQTT clients) can already send their data directly to the HOOC Remote Control service (MQTT broker). For this, communication can take place in two ways:

  • in the internal network (by using a HOOC gateway);

  • via the Internet (by using the Secure Proxy service and by entering a permalink, which is then forwarded to the remote control service).


The remote control service now also supports the MQTT client functionality. This means that the service can hence exchange data with external MQTT brokers - provided the system has internet access. 


SPECIFICALLY: As a result, data points can be exchanged and crosslinked across several sites and systems. 

EXAMPLE: By means of a SoftPLC and thanks to the protocols supported by HOOC (e.g. Modbus and KNX), data can hence be transferred between external MQTT brokers and local fieldbuses.

ADD-ONS: Furthermore, the value validity can also be monitored. This means that the systems will show you when the last value was transmitted. If required, a corresponding alarm rule can be configured so that you are informed in the event of a system fault or if the transmission of data is interrupted.



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